The Doctrines of Grace,
Our purpose and course of action resonates with Biblical teachings.
About our church
Grace Life Church is a thoroughly biblical church, with an active community and an purposeful agenda.
We seek to glorify God and serve the Church purchased with Christ's blood
Serving the needs
of the Christian community
Grace Life Church believes that a meaningful and enduring fellowship
within a local community is an absolutely essential component to a Christian's life.
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
Small Groups 9:00 am
Service 10:15 am
Service 10:15 am
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 pm

Small Groups

Small groups start at 9am on Sunday mornings. Please join us and get to know people and the Lord at a deeper level!
Men's Systematic Theology Class

Men’s systematic theology class, October 19th from 7-10 a.m. Breakfast provided. We will continue with in the study of God's holiness.
Wayne Grudem's second edition
with workbook
Breakfast provided!
Grace Life Ladies Fall Tea